Rosh Hashana
The Months, Divine Attributes, and Purpose of Creation (2017)
Fear and Love, Truth and Peace (2011)
Aseres Yemei Teshuva
Reuven's Teshuva: A Model for Life-Long Growth (2004)
Haughtiness, Humility, and Din (2001)
Yom Kippur
Fear and Love, Truth and Peace (2011)
Atonement on Yom Kippur (2005)
Tefilla of Yomim Noraim: Texts, Times, & Tunes (1999)
Simchas Yom Tov: When, Then and Now (2023)
Thanksgiving and Chanukah (2017)
Chanukah: Conflict of Cultures Then and Now (2012)
Financial Gloom - A Precursor to Light? (2008)
Asara B'Teves
Happiness: Resolving Doubt and Walking Straight (2023)
Obliterating Haman From Our Midst (2015)
Purim: The Holiday of Giving (1999)
Parshas HaChodesh
The Timely and Timeless Lessons of Parshas Hachodesh (2014)
Above Time and Beyond Time (2016)
Pesach - The Holiday of Faith (2007)
The Hallel of Purim, Pesach, and the Final Redemption (2001)
Sefiras Ha-Omer
Veahavta Le-Raiacha Kamocha (1999)
Yom Ha'atzmaut / Israel
Cheit Hameraglim: Then and Now (2007)
Shmitah for the Consumer (2001)
Kibud Av V'aim vs. Living in Israel (2000)
Modesty: A Timeless Principle (2010)
Three Weeks, Tisha B'av, Nachamu, Tu B'av
Rosh Chodesh Av: Aharon's Yahrzeit (2011)