Breishis Adam - A Unique Individual (2009)
Noach The Lesson of Noach (2009)
Lech L'cha Akeidah (2009)
Vayera Akeidah (2009)
Chayei Sara Marriage that Endures (2009)
Mikeitz "Do Not Sin Against The Child": Divorce Involving Children (2009)
Vayigash The Lessons of the Yosef Epic (2010)
Yisro The Power of Belief (2010)
Ki Sisa Making Space for Hashem (2022)
Kedoshim Kedoshim: Rashi vs. Ramban (2011)
Reaching Old Age: Victory or Defeat? (2009)
Bahaloscha Spirituality Deficiency Syndrome (2010)
Shlach Who is honored? He who honors others (2009)
Balak The Search for Truth (2010)
Matos The Importance of Derech Eretz (2011)
Vaeschanan The Mussar of Greek Mythology (2009)
Eikev Are We Derelict in Teaching? (2011)
Shoftim Beware Your Mind! (2010)
Netsavim - Vayelech Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Misery (2009)